Rocketflow is a new age Low/No Code Enterprise SAAS Platform that helps businesses go digital within minutes. RocketFlow is your Digital COO to manage and supervise your operational needs. An innovative business process management platform to help you GO DIGITAL. Rocketflow helps you map your business processes in real time through a drag and drop workflow designer. Allows you to capture data through mobile app at different stages of your business, lets your customer and team perform business operations in real time ensuring transparency and efficiency. Rocketflow lets you manage your customers, teams, inventory, processes and data in real time through a click of a button. Users can download reports and view the progressions over a dashboard.
App for Employees
Employees and Workers involved in the mining operations get access to Rocketflow app using which they can perform their respective tasks. Users get mapped to the business processes at respective stages depending upon their role to perform configured actions. Users can capture information required at respective business stage to ensure transparency.
App for Admin
Admins and Supervisors get enhanced access as per the business process configured within Rocketflow. Supervisors can then approve attendance, leaves and tasks based on their respective roles. Supervisors can also fetch reports based on location / users for attendance, leave and tasks.
App for Attendance and Leaves
Executives and workers can use the Rocketflow mobile app to capture their attendance and leaves. Workers can request for leaves which can be approved by Supervisors of their respective blocks. Workers can be restricted to punch-in/out their attendance only within geo area they are supposed to work thereby ensuring full transparency
Onsite Audit
Supervisors and Admins can use the Rocketflow to capture audit data like taking snapshots, capturing data and signature in order to ensure compliance and SLA adherence is in place.